“Critical conversations” series
Dear SCR Members,
You are cordially invited to our series of Critical Conversations at Van Mildert College this academic year.
This is a series of open discussions about compelling topics. A panel of three or four speakers (usually including a student speaker) introduces the discussion, after which conversation flows freely among the panellists and between panellists and audience members. It’s not a debate: there’s no motion, no vote, and nobody wins. The aim is simply that we all leave thinking about the topic in more sophisticated ways. This year’s events are as follows:
Is Class Still Destiny? 26-Oct 7pm
Millie Spindloe President of Van Mildert Class Soc
Vikki Boliver DU First-generation Scholars Network
Do we Live in a Democracy? 23-Nov 7:30pm
Sir John Curtice National treasure and Britain’s favourite psephologist
Darren Hughes Chief Executive, Electoral Reform Society
Brian Carey Asst Prof in Political Theory, Durham University
David Verkmann Student speaker
What is Porn Doing to Us? 08-Feb 7pm
Clarissa Smith Editor of the journal Porn Studies
Pandora Blake Educator and Film Director/Performer
Myles Jackman Obscenity lawyer
Should we be scared of AI? 29 Feb 7pm
Tony Maile VP Global Growth at PS AI Labs
Tim Rideout UK General Manager at Babylon, a company using AI innovations in healthcare
James Crooks CIO of Durham University
Kerry McInerney Research Associate at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at
the University of Cambridge
It would be lovely to see you at these events.
If you’re coming to an event and you’d like to join the speakers for dinner afterwards, please let us know ([email protected]).